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Buggy Rollin

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No matter where Jean Yves Blondeau appears, all heads are turning. Because the 44 year old french man does not come up walking. He usually appears rolling - on his stomach, back or sitting, rarely on his feet. The surprised people use to call him “Spiderman on wheels”, “Roocop” or “Rollerman” because Jean Yves is popped into a selfmade armor with more than 30 attached inline wheels. “Buggy Rollin” – that´s how he calls his unique sport.
Jean Yves Blondeau is a real unique. He is the only one worldwide who really masters his gadget. His passion is downhhill, so no mountain road is safe from him. If he finds a nice pass road he dashes it down face forward with more than 100 kph, sometimes even overtaking a car or motorcycle. But Jean Yves is not brainless on his way, far from it! He is accurately checking each descent in order to identify danger areas and avoid accidents. That´s why he never seriously harmed himelf until now.

Jean Yves Blondeau lives Buggy Rollin, he is Buggy Rollin! And he is a master of the art of living. Since more than one and a half decades he is fiddling about his idea which is the result of his diploma work from 1994 as an industrial design student at the national school of applyed art and art crafts (Olivier de Serres ENSAAMA Paris). At that time he concentrated on body motion in 3-dimensional space ("Systems that bring in evidence the feelings of movement of the center of gravity to the human body by displacement of its points of support in the purpose of move through space"). Jean Yves wanted to give birth to something new, something aesthetical. Whilst all his fellow students launched into cars and coffee makers the ambitious roller skater designed a full body wheel armor!
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From that time on the crazy Frenchman experimented alot with his invention. He is rolling sitting through the city, he´s backwards spinning over a stage or face forward shooting down steep mountain roads and iceless bobtracks. His current speed record is at incredible 126 kph!

So far Jean Yves Blondeau has built more than 25 different suits, among those even four especially for women. All these armors are tediously handcrafted: it takes him around 2 month of work to build one Buggy Rollin suit from various plastics and foam paddings, carbon, aluminium and steel.

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Even the advertising industry took notice of the crazy French guy: In 2004 a huge Korean internet provider booked him for a national TV commercial. Since then Jean Yves is a celebrity in Korea and spent some years there. Meanwhile he is married to a Korean wife. In 2007 Hollywood actor Jim Carrey found one of my videos on YouTube and engaged Jean Yves for his movie “The Yes Man” which premiered 12-17-2008 in Los Angees. In 2011 Jean Yves was engaged by Jackie Chan for his latest movie "Chinese Zodiac 12"!
Photo: Hollywood star Jim Carrey in a Buggy Rollin suit
Jean Yves Blondeau is one of my athlets I am working long-term together with. Since 2003 I have produced more than 50 hours of video footage with him in many different countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Bosnia, Slowakia, Korea). We have already produced a home story, road trips, crazy action with incredible camera angles and loads of interviews. My video clip “The Rollerman”, which I also published very successfully on YouTube (several million clicks, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNVslA7T2q8), shows some of the highlights. image gallery

If you are interested in buying video footage for professional work please visit my "purchase video fotage" page.  
Foto Speed Games
Buggy Rollin: Rollerman Jean Yves Blondeau playing with
downhill longboarder Nico Bonnefoy & a motorcyclist
video clip, 5:22 min.
watch video, smaller version (320 x 240)
watch video, broadband (768 x 432)
watch this video THE ROLLERMAN
Buggy Rollin
Video-Clip, 3:06 min.
watch video, smaller version (320 x 240)
watch video, broadband (768 x 432)
view video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNVslA7T2q8
View this Video SARAJEVO CHALLENGE - Trailer
Buggy Rollin in the ruins of the olympic Bobtrack of Sarajevo, Bosnia.
This Track has been damaged heavely by the War in the 1990's.
Video-Clip, 0:50 min.
watch video, smaller version (320 x 240)
watch video, broadband (768 x 432)
view video arte, tracks
Buggy Rollin
TV-Clip from 12.12.2008, 7:35 min.
view video, smaller version (320 x 240)
view video, broadband (720 x 576)

